Welcome new postgraduate students and staff

A warm welcome to all new PhD candidates and staff who have started work with us over the past few months:

Dilmi Herath (bivalve shells as paleoclimate proxy archives)

Hadrien Henry (deformation of pyroxenites during subduction)

MD Habibur Rahman (biogeochemistry)

Jelte Keeman (zircon geochemistry)

Dr. Paolo Abballe (postdoc biogeochemistry)

Dr. Stefan Löhr (new staff biogeochemistry)


And in addition we have a guest who is preparing to start his postgraduate studies in the form of a co-tutelle with CCFS:

Mathieu Chassé, Research Student at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), France, is undertaking a project on the scandium geochemistry in mantle-derived rocks including sampling and analysis of lateritic profiles on ultramafic bodies from central-west New South Wales, to understand the mechanisms of enrichment of Sc during lateritic weathering. His cotutelle papers with this premier university in France, are currently being processed.