Join us for the Department Seminar this Friday at 1pm in E5A210
CCFS Visiting Researcher Dr Bjarne Almqvist (Uppsala University) will be giving a seminar entitled
Using rock physics to link tectonic deformation and geophysical observations in the Central Scandinavian Caledonides
Dr Almqvist is visiting EPS/CCFS 11/3-3/4/2015 to work with Assoc. Prof. Sandra Piazolo and her students on developing a thorough understanding of the source of seismic properties and anisotropy, as well as magnetic anisotropy, in deformed rocks from the central Scandinavian Caledonides. The team will be using detailed microstructural and textural measurements of representative lithologies to compute the theoretical geophysical response from a suite of samples collected across the Scandinavian Caledonides. This understanding will be applied to interpretation of geophysical data, providing a method to infer flow properties and deformation in mid- and lower crustal rocks in collisional orogenic settings. Such knowledge may also be further used to infer deformation conditions in currently active orogens, such as the Himalaya-Tibet orogen.